Monday, January 5, 2009

Feeling Connected

No man is an island.  And no woman is either...

As a modern day designer of any sort, no matter what your discipline, it is vital to be connected to your peers as well as being aware of what's happening to the design industry on the whole. Being aware of the state of the design world is necessary to be inspired, stay fresh and become aware of trends, styles and standards for what is acceptable as good work.  There are few things worse than producing dated work because you're out of the loop.

Not only that but, who wants to spend there entire life behind a computer screen?  Don't we want to branch out of our homes, take in new forms of art, hear speakers and come face to face with people we may one day work with?  LA is a hotbed of new emerging art, fashion and style. So much goes on in terms of local events that it's  important to include that as part of your design diet.  Take a advantage of the fact that your local scene is vital and fresh and eventually become part of it.

